Invasive plants Mimosa pigra: General information: Books (YUL), encyclopedia: 1, 2, google books: 1, 2. Wikipedia
Newspapers Lexis-Nexis Academic, Factiva
Government documents: Canada, Species at Risk (Canada), USA
Blogs Twitter US Blog: Professionals
Grey Lit.: CSIRO Publication
Worldwide Invasive Species Databases
Journal articles: Methods of control of Mimosa pigra (biological/chemical/physical) and their effectiveness?
more info:. in journal articles and conference proceedings
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2. Identify a list of keywords specific to your topic in order to retrieve relevant books, articles, and government publications from the library databases for your essay. Some databases.
3 Work on writing an annotated bibliography. Think of a framework and/or a mind map for your topic and develop a thesis statement. This is based on the guidelines provided by your instructors.
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