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Environmental Studies: Journal Articles

Journal Articles

Indexes and Databases bring together a number of different online journals and other resources into one search engine. Use these tools to find citations, abstracts and/or full text articles, reports and other resources on your topic. Both scholarly and popular articles may be included.

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Search Tips

AND - used to narrow a search and establish more relevant results by linking keywords together (e.g. "behavioural" AND "psychology").

OR - broadens a search and gets more results. Typically used for synonyms and words with variant spellings (e.g. "self-actualization" OR "self-identity").

Truncation: used to find similar words with different endings

e.g. educat* searches "education", "educate", "educational", etc. 

Some databases use an exclamation mark (!) instead of the asterisk (*) or do not use truncation.

Other Tips

Advanced Search - this option is available on most databases, and allows you to specialize your search based on documents (books, articles, video etc), date, geographic location, language, etc.

Quotation Marks - using quotation marks will allow you to search for exact phrases.  For example, searching "mental impairment" will only retreive searches with both "mental" and "impairment" together in that order.

Refine Search - many online databases allow you to specify your search criteria after selecting your keywords and clicking on search.

Finding a Specific Journal - if you know the name of the journal you are looking for, type it in the library catalogue, then select "Periodical Title", then hit "go".

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