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Citing Your Work: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools

York University's guidelines on using AI technology for academic work

According to York University’s Academic Conduct Policy and Procedures (effective September 1st, 2024):

  • Using AI-based tools like ChatGPT for academic work in a course where the instructor has not authorized its use constitutes a breach of academic conduct.  
  • If your instructor has authorized the use of any AI-based tools within a course, you  must correctly cite or acknowledge its use. Failing to do so would also be a breach of academic conduct. 

To read further, please consult York University’s Academic Conduct Policy and Procedures, especially 5.2a (sections i and ii) which defines in what circumstances using AI tools may constitute cheating, as well as sections 6.2 and 6.3 which describe student and instructor roles and responsibilities relating to the use of AI tools in academic work.  

Citing AI