1. Start with the information for the HBR article you need to find. For example:
Farahany, N. A. (2023). Neurotech at Work. Harvard Business Review, 101(2), 43–48.
2. Go to the Harvard Business Review Articles Libguide
3. Use the search widget option provided in the lefthand box on the landing page titled "Search Harvard Business Review."
4. Enter the title of the article in the search box with quotation marks around it and then select "Search" as shown below:
5. If you are off-campus, you may be prompted to sign in using your Passport York login at this point and agree to the Acceptable Use Guidelines for Electronic Resources
6. In the search results, click on the title of the matching article (note a Chinese language version of the same article is the second result)
7. Click on the Permalink icon on the menu on the right of the screen. Copy the generated link into course websites or other instructional materials to provide reliable access to the article for students both on and off-campus
1. Start with the information for the HBR article you need to find. For example:
Farahany, N. A. (2023). Neurotech at Work. Harvard Business Review, 101(2), 43–48.
2. Go to Omni, the library's discovery search engine and select "Journal Search" from the top menu bar. Type the title of the journal in quotation marks, i.e. "Harvard Business Review", in the Journal Search box:
3. Click the search icon and then select the first link titled "Harvard business review" in the results that display:
4. To be able to select the specific article you need, click on "EBSCOhost Business Source Complete" under "View Online":
5. If you are off-campus, you may be prompted to sign in using your Passport York login at this point and agree to the Acceptable Use Guidelines for Electronic Resources
6. A page loads showing the contents of the Harvard Business Review. In the righthand column all issues and articles appear. As the required article is from 2023, click on the + sign that appears beside 2023 to view all issues for this year. Click on Vol. 101 Issue 2 - Mar/Apr 2023 to get the issue where the article appears:
6. A list of articles available in this issue, in page number order appears. Using the page numbers, locate the required article and click the article title "Neurotech at Work". Click on the Permalink icon in the menu on the right of the screen. Copy the generated link into course websites or other instructional materials to provide reliable access to the article for students both on and off-campus