The United Nations is an intergovernmental organization (IGO), membership of which is open to all sovereign states upon recommendation by the Security Council and approval by the General Assembly. The purposes of the UN, as set forth in the Charter, are to maintain international peace and security; to develop friendly relations among nations; to cooperate in solving international economic, social, cultural and humanitarian problems and in promoting respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms; and to be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations in attaining these ends. The UN is thus what is termed a universal membership, universal purpose organization. Information generated by the UN is valuable for a variety of reasons:
by Mike McCaffrey & Amanda Wakaruk
The six principal organs of the United Nations are the:
The United Nations family also encompasses 15 agencies, such as the World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF) & World Health Organization (WHO) & several programmes and bodies, such as the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) & the UN Development Programme (UNDP) .