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SPARK Resources: Quizzes

How to Assign Quizzes

Quizzes for each SPARK module are available. To view these quizzes, see the "Quizzes (DOC Files)" box to the right.

There are two options for assigning the quizzes online:

1. Direct students to the existing SPARK Quiz eClass course for completion there


  • No set-up required; just point students to the SPARK course in eClass to complete the assigned quiz.
  • Will work if you are not using eClass for your course.


  • Increased administration required since the assigned quizzes are not integrated into your course in eClass. Students must hand in results individually.


  1. Direct your students to the SPARK course in eClass with instructions as to which quizzes to complete. The URL to provide students is
  2. If you would like to track student completion or mark received on assigned quizzes, you have a couple of options:
  • in eClass, create an assignment for the quiz and have students upload a screen capture displaying their quiz results
  • have students e-mail a screen capture of their quiz results 
  • have students physically hand-in a print-out of their quiz results 

2. Import the Quizzes into your existing course in eClass


  • Quizzes directly embedded in your course and tied to gradebook
  • Less administration required for ensuring completion


  • There are some basic steps to get the SPARK quizzes set up in your course


Use the steps outlined below, or if you prefer to have a set of instructions with handy screen captures, consult this PDF.


  1. From the "Quizzes (XML Files)" box (top right of this screen), click on the quiz you would like to import into your eClass course.

    It’s important that you click on the quiz and then let it load in a browser. Lots of raw code displays in file. Choose the option File -> Save As. Then it should default to save as an XML file.

  2. Save the XML file where it will be easy to retrieve. Depending on your browser settings, the file may save automatically or it may open in a browser.
  3. Open your course in eClass. 
  4. Click on the Action or Gear menu at the top right corner of your screen
  5. Click on the More... 
  6. On the course administration page that then displays, from the list of options provided, click on Import under Question Bank
  7. Select Moodle XML format under File Format
  8. Select Choose a file under Import questions from file and browse your computer to select the XML file you downloaded earlier. Under Copyright status choose the option "use of the material is covered by a license from the copyright holder or with their permission." Make sure to then choose the option to Upload this file
  9. On the next screen you see, select the Import option
  10. You will see that the questions from the imported XML file are now in your Question Bank for the course with a category automatically created for the quiz questions you imported, indicating the name of that category and the number of questions it has, e.g. Academic Integrity (14) for the academic integrity quiz 

    Remember this is the quiz and all the questions it has. The popular Academic Integrity Quiz has 14 questions but it’s best to set it up (see below in Step 15) to 10 questions that are generated randomly.

    The quiz also has a description area and it can be good there to explain how many questions the quiz will have and what grade students need to get - most faculty want students to get 80-100% in the quiz,  though some opt for 100%.

  11. Return to your course homepage and ensure that Editing is turning on by selecting this option which appears in the top righthand are of the page
  12. In the relevant course section, you will need to add a quiz (if needed, instructions available). 
  13. Once your new quiz is added, click on the link for your newly created quiz and then click Edit Quiz
  14. In the centre block titled Editing quiz: xxx, click Add and select a random question
  15. In the pop-up box, select the relevant quiz category and the number of questions you would like included in the quiz from this category. Click Add random question (It is at this point that you can choose 10 as explained also above)
  16. Return to your course homepage and see the newly created quiz in place with the question content

If you have any questions about this process, please contact