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KINE4565: Epidemiology Injury Prevention: Zotero


Why Zotero?

Zotero Zotero is a powerful and intuitive program that works with your web browser and helps you collect, manage and cite research sources. You can save references from library catalogues, research databases, and web sites with a single click.

Why Zotero? Because:

  • it's free and open source software that respects your privacy
  • it's easy to use
  • it works with your web browser and watches the sites you visit to see if any of them contain citations to books, articles and other sources
  • you can save resources when you find them, then come back to them later
  • it works on Macs, Windows, Linux, and mobile devices
  • it comes with easy to use plugins for Microsoft Word, LibreOffice and Google Docs which allow you to create dynamic in-text citations and references when writing papers using these tools

With it you can:

  • import, manage, and annotate citations from various sources
  • save, read and annotate PDFs, EPUBs and web snapshots so you can take your research with you
  • handle research and citation management all in the same place
  • generate bibliographies in any style
  • access your Zotero library from any computer through its useful syncing features
  • share libraries and group accounts

Zotero accounts and syncing

Register for a Zotero account to:

  • sync and backup across devices (300 MB of free storage)
  • access your library online from anywhere
  • create or join groups

Zotero is hosted in the United States. See its privacy policy.


undefined ZoteroBib is a quick and easy bibliography and citation generator. Use it when you don't need all the functionality of Zotero. No account or software installation required.

Need Help?

Zotero's support page has links to all the documentation.

Search the Zotero forums to find answers to common questions, or to submit a "New Discussion".

For more options and answers to common problems, go to our Ask & Services.