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SOSC 3800: Development Studies Research Methods: Getting Started

Subject Guide

Search the Catalogue

The library catalogue gives you easy access to the over two million books, journals, electronic resources, audio/video materials, maps and other items at the eight York University Libraries. It includes our eResources, everything in the classic catalogue, YorkSpace, and York Digital Journals, all in one search. Once you have the call numbers, find the section of the library where those types of items are shelved. There is also an advanced search.

Online Tutorials

Please note that the following videos were made using the previous version of the library website; until they are redone using the new interface, we leave them up in the hopes that you will still find them useful.

The Catalogue: Basic Search

The Catalogue: Advanced Search

Search Tips for the Catalogue

General Search Tips

  • Author
    If you are looking for a particular author and only using the first initial, place a wildcard * after the initial. You can search in natural name order or with surname first. ex. W* Shakespeare.

  • Title
    Please note that there is no EXACT title searching. You must put an exact title in quotation marks after selecting a TITLE KEYWORD search from the dropdown menu.

  • Subject Heading Field
    When you know the Library of Congress Subject Heading (LCSH), select the subject field search from the dropdown menu.

  • Search Operators
    Search operators can be entered in lower or uppercase i.e. they are case insensitive. Use AND/and to narrow a search and OR/or to broaden a search. ex. (China OR India) AND economy
    NOTE: the default operator is AND/and. This means that if there is no Boolean operator between two terms, the AND/and operator is used automatically (like Google).

  • Phrase Searching
    Use quotation marks to search for phrases of more than two words. ex. "Corporate social responsibility".

  • Truncation
    You no longer need to use the dollar symbol ($) or the asterisk (*) when searching for multiple endings of a word. The system automatically finds words similar to the one you have searched, searching plurals and singulars.

  • Spelling Hints
    The system is searching the closest match based on what can be found in the catalogue, not a dictionary.

  • Course Reserves
    Select Course Reserves in the drop-down menu and enter either the course code or the instructor's last name.
    Example: biol1010, pols 6410, zorn

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