Indexes scholarly journals and books in political science and related fields such as international relations, political theory, law, public administration and public policy. Covers 1975 - present.
Covers thousands of leading business and management publications, including scholarly, trade, popular and news titles. Useful for material on program evaluation, human resources, and management.
Indexes scholarly journal articles, books, government publications, web sites, and reports of public, intergovernmental, and private organizations. A useful source for public policy, environmental and social issues. Covers 1972 to present.
Provides references to articles from law and legal focused journals. Particularly useful for public policy, and law related aspects of political science. Includes materials relating to Canadian law.
Indexes over 400 journals in economics and related fields. Includes books, conference proceedings, books, book reviews, dissertations and working papers. 1969 - present.
A full text database of older issues of journals in the humanities,social sciences and sciences. Includes approximately 40 key political science journals, but usually does not include articles from the last 2-5 years.
Allows you to search for scholarly articles by subject, author, journal and author address as well as for articles that cite a known author or work (citation searching).