Canadian Review of Social Policy
Journal of Gender, Race & Justice
Canadian Family Law Quarterly (available on Westlaw or in print PER C1785)
Canadian Journal of Family Law (available online or in print PER C17415)
The Osgoode Digital Commons is the institutional repository of Osgoode Hall Law School of York University. The Commons captures, preserves and makes available to the global public the intellectual output of the law school, including faculty research, scholarship and publications; journals and research centres; selected records and archives; and digital initiatives from the Osgoode Hall Law School Library.
Hutchinson, Allan C., "Practising law for rich and poor people: towards a more progressive approach." (2020). Articles & Book Chapters. 2835.
Koshan, Jennifer; Mosher, Janet; and Wiegers, Wanda, "The Costs of Justice in Domestic Violence Cases : Mapping Canadian Law and Policy" (2020). Articles & Book Chapters. 2850.
Barkaskas, Patricia; Alcorn, Melanie; Adair, Ryan; Gotziaman, Kate; Mackie, Jennifer; Northcote, Madeleine; and Wicks, Victoria. "Reflecting on Clinical Legal Education at the Indigenous Community Legal Clinic." Journal of Law and Social Policy 32. (2020): 138-157.
Zemans, Frederick and Amaral, Justin. "A Current Assessment of Legal Aid in Ontario." Journal of Law and Social Policy 29. (2018): 1-28.
Marsden, Sarah. "Just Clinics: A Humble Manifesto." Journal of Law and Social Policy 32. (2020): 7-31.