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Fake News: Social Media

Examples of Verified Accounts on Social Media Platforms

Most social media platforms have a check mark next to the username to indicate that the account has been verified. This means the account is authentic.


Learn more about verified accounts on TikTok here


Learn more about verified badges on Instagram here.


Learn more about verified pages on Facebook here.

Beware of Social Media Traps

Social media has a profound effect on the proliferation of fake news. Content is easily shared with a simple like or click. Below are two traps (Filter Bubbles & Echo Chambers) that social media users need to be aware of when it comes to sharing content with others.

Social Media Trap #1 : Filter Bubbles

Filter bubbles occur when information a user searches or views is personalized to what he or she would like to see. This process is by means of sophisticated algorithms that are not always apparent to the user. Facebook and Google searches are good examples.

Let's take Facebook....

When a user likes or dislikes an article or photo on Facebook, algorithms recognize this and personalize information to what the user would like to see. As a result, other information is omitted or does not appear in the feed creating a biased set of results.

The same can be said for Google searches, especially if the search is conducted when a user is signed into their account.

Eli Pariser, the one who coined the filter bubble term, described this in his TED talk comparing two different sets of results for a Google search on BP (British Petroleum). View his talk, Beware Online "Filter Bubbles", in the next tab.

Social Media Trap #2 : Echo Chambers

Echo chambers occur when information is augmented and repeated within an enclosed system, such as a news feed or social circle. In a way, they are also linked to filter bubbles because individuals are surrounded by systems, people or information that fit their own beliefs, views, and ideas. 

What's the danger?

When information is repeated and exaggerated among a group of like-minded people, it can become accepted as true. Individuals may fail to challenge or seek out differing points of view to achieve a balanced perspective further reinforcing incorrect information, viewpoints, ideas or beliefs.

How to Step Outside of the Echo Chamber

  1. Be aware of the existence of echo chambers that may be around you
  2. Actively seek out different points of view and expand your news sources to acquire a more informed perspective

Should I Share It?

A few things to consider before sharing:

  • Source of the information
  • Date of the post
  • Examine any photos (see section on Fake Photos)
  • Is it satire?
