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PsycINFO Guide: Advanced Searching

Advanced Searching

There are several ways to improve searching in PsycINFO.  The Advanced Searching sections will provide overviews of:

  • Subjects: to improve the quality of your search results
  • Thesaurus: to look up Subjects and develop more comprehensive searches
  • Field searching: to develop techniques for targeted searching
  • Search limits: to place restrictions on your search so you only see particular types of content

Advanced Searching

Subjects provide a powerful method for expanding and improving your search in PsycINFO.  Subjects are terms used in the database to categorize the topics.  You can use these terms to refine your search strategy.  This will ensure a more thorough and systematic searching by obtaining all records categorized under those subjects. 

If you open a record (click on Citation/Abstract in the search results list), you will see the subjects applied to that particular document. Integrate applicable subject terms into your search.


Beyond Subjects

PsycINFO contains other categories beyond Subjects.  Classification codes can provide a useful means of pulling up records that fall within broad topics.  For more information, see ProQuest PsycINFO Classification Codes.

PsycINFO offers an online thesaurus.  You can access it from the menu list adjacent to the Advance Search heading.  Use it to prepare your search by exploring the proper subjects for each of your key concepts.  For example, if you type eating disorders into the thesaurus search, you will retrieve the following results.  

PsycInfo Thesaurus interface

The thesaurus can sometime help lead you to the correct subject term.  For example, a search in the thesaurus for helping behavior leads you to the correct subject term.

A useful tactic is to write down all applicable subjects so searches can be run using various combinations that seem appropriate.

PsycINFO allows you to specify that your keywords be searched only in specific fields.  Fields are simply a particular part of a record for a resource.  Resources, such as articles, will typically have several fields.  Common fields are Author(s), Document Title, Publication Title, and Subjects although there are generally several more.

Employing targeted field searches can help focus your search significantly.  Fields can be selected by using the drop-down menu on the Advanced Search screen.

The Advanced Search screen allows you to place restrictions on your search.  For example, you can limit your results by:

  • Record type (e.g., journal articles)
  • Methodology (e.g., empirical studies) 
  • Age group (e.g., adolescence)
  • Population (e.g., female)
PsycINFO search limits can be set before of after running a search. To set limits before your search is run, select the appropriate limits on the Advanced Search page.  
You can also add limits after running a search.  Available limits will appear to the left of your search results.