PsycINFO finds many different types of resources: journal articles, books, book chapters, dissertations and encyclopedia entries, among others. The citation in PsycINFO for a particular record will provide all the information you require to see if it is available through York University Libraries, either online on in print. Not everything you find in PsycINFO will necessarily be available through the library.
The best method to check for availability is to select the button for a record. Selecting this option will pull up a screen outlining full-text availability. If full-text is not available, you can check the library catalogue for print holdings.
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Resources to help you with:
Understanding Your Assignment
Time Management
Academic Integrity
Choosing a Topic
Selecting Appropriate Resources
Gathering & Noting Ideas
Research Strategies
Reading Strategies
Essay Structure
Creating Bibliographies
Writing Strategies
Revising Your Arguments
Essay Editing