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Advertising: Contemporary

Ad Databanks: General

Below are a list of searchable/browsable web sites that feature examples of contemporary advertisements.

Ad Databanks: Special

Using Media Search Engines to Find Advertisements

Google Images
Type in "[your company name or product name or brand name] and advertisement"

Useful as a source for ads in video format.

Other web search engines recommended include: Bing Images, flickr, and Yahoo Images. Try keywords which include company, product or brand name, and the keyword advertisement or variant terms.

Using Newspaper Databases to Find Advertisements

Proquest Historical Newspapers: The Globe and Mail (1844-2010)
Choose the advanced search option. Under Document Type, choose display ad or classified ad options. For further information, please consult this Proquest guide.

New York Times Historical (1851-2010)
The search interface defaults to advanced search mode. Note that under Document Type you can choose from a number of different ad type options, e.g., classified ad, display ad, and advertisement. For further information, please consult this Proquest guide.

Financial Times - Historical Archive 1888-2010
Apply the advertising limit available under "Limit Your Search."