The Law Student's Pocket Mentor: from surviving to thriving by Ann L. IijimaISBN: 9780735540347
Publication Date: 2007-08-08
As the ideal companion for law students, The Law Student's Pocket Mentor: From Surviving to Thriving guides students from the summer before starting law school straight through to their first clerking experience. It is a practical, step-by-step guide that uses exercises, worksheets, and checklists to help students identify their needs, plan strategies, and organize their efforts to maximize success in law school. This pocket companion offers all of the essentials students need for success: It is comprehensive in coverage: covers essential academic skills (e.g., reading and briefing cases, taking notes in class, outlining, writing exams) provides career preparation skills (e.g., building strong resumes, choosing classes) discusses emotional aspects of legal education (e.g., maintaining balance, dealing with grades) addresses special concerns of non-traditional students It is accessible in nature: approaches academic topics in a user-friendly, non-academic style gives a student-eye-view of typical challenges faced by law students, including letters from actual students, narratives, etc. presents skills in a logical, step-by-step manner accounts for and addresses various learning styles provides clear, how-to instructions regarding essential academic skills offers exercises to help students identify challenges, plan strategies, and recognize progress provides ample forms to show students how to best organize their time, brief cases, take class notes, and perform self-diagnoses on their exam answers It has been proven effective: all exercises, techniques, and forms have been student-tested and refined at William Mitchell College of Law An author website to support classroom instruction using this title is available at