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First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Research

Find Sources

Research requires different types of resources including primary, secondary and grey literature. All peer-reviewed sources are scholarly sources, but not all scholarly sources are peer-reviewed! Peer-reviewed sources have been rigorously assessed by a panel of experts. To find peer-reviewed sources look for a check box in Omni and in databases near the filter section.

The subsequent tabs will provide you with links to research guides created by librarians at other Institutions on very specific topics. These links are not exhaustive.

The following table can help you decide what type of resource to look for. 


What type of resource do I need?




Data & Statistics:

  • Disciplinary Databases
  • Interdisciplinary databases
  • Academic Books
  • Newspapers
  • Oral Histories
  • Government Documents
  • Interviews
  • Non-text resources
  • Correspondence
  • Band and Tribal websites
  • Newspapers
  • Think Tanks 
  • NGOs & IGOs
  • Reputable Media Outlets
  • Statistics databases
  • Think tanks
  • Government Websites


These research guides are resources created by librarians at other institutions that will help you find resources for:

Social Work, Identity, Society, Sexuality