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Using Generative AI To Do Research

What is Generative AI?

  • Generative AI is a type of artificial intelligence that generates content, such as text, images, video or code in response to prompts.
  • It utilizes machine-learning, and more specifically deep learning models, to generate new, previously unseen outputs based on patterns in the data it has been trained upon.
  • The best known models, like ChatGPT, Google Gemini, Microsoft Co-Pilot , are trained on massive datasets, mainly sourced from the internet.
  • They combine transformer models and, in the case of tools that generate text-based outputs, they leverage Large Language Models (LLMs), trained on massive amounts of text data, which involves learning from patterns and relationships in this data. They are like powerful text prediction engines!
  • In general, generative AI, works in the three phases of (1) training, (2) tuning, and (3) generation, evaluation and more tuning as outlined in IBM's explanation here.

For more information, you might want to read these short and accessible articles defining generative AI from authoritative sources in this field: