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KAHS 6460 Applied Epidemiology: Medline (Ovid)

Resources for graduate students in Appl. Epidemiol.

Ovid Advanced Search

OVID Medline

Search: Alzheimer and Vitamin D

Note: Use MeSH and map term to subject heading.

Include all subheadings. Check for Explode and Focus.

Explode search includes your Subject Heading and other associated narrow Subject Headings. Thus the search is broadened and will include all relevant terms in the search.

Focus searches articles in which the editors indicated those Subject Headings that are the major focus of the article. In this case, this limits the search for those articles that have the Subject Heading Alzheimer Disease.

Do a similar search with the term Vitamin D.

Combine Search with 'and'. Also provide additional limits.

Additional Limits.

By combining the search and using additional limits, the search has been refined making it easier to find the right article for your research.