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Nonprofit Research: Financial Information


Canadian Online Resources

U.S. Online Resources

Canadian Charities & Registered Charity Information Return

Once you have used the Charities Listings to find a registered charity, you can access the charity's Form T3010, Registered Charity Information Return. All registered charities are required to fill out a return each year and submit it to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

It is the charity's responsibility to ensure that the return is filled out completely and accurately. The CRA posts the return as received and has not necessarily verified its content. If you have questions, or would like more details about a charity's return, please contact the charity.

The return includes the following information about the charity:

  • contact information, including website address;
  • a general account of the charity's activities; and
  • financial information such as income and expenditures, assets, and liabilities.

The return may give you an idea of how much of its resources it devotes to charitable activities.

U.S. Charities & Form 990

"Form 990 is the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) form entitled Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax. This federal form must be filed annually by tax exempt organizations. However, some organizations such as churches are exempt from filing, and small organizations are allowed to file Form 990-EZ. The information provided on Form 990 is public information and is available from the website" Source: Accounting Coach

Form 990s provide information on the filing organization's mission, programs, and finances. 

Since these forms are public information, you can find them through Guidestar. Alternatively, you can do a simple Google search for the name of the organization that you are looking for, plus "form 990" to find them published online. For example, searching "united way form 990" would give you these results.