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Encyclopedias & Handbooks
Elgar Encyclopedia of Law and Data Science by Giovanni Comandé (Editor)
The Elgar Encyclopedia of Law and Data Science represents a comprehensive mapping of the field. Comprising over 60 entries, it features contributions from eminent global scholars, drawing on expertise from multiple disciplines, including law and data science, economics, computer engineering, physics, biomedical engineering and history, philosophy, neuro-engineering, political science, and geo-informatics. This Encyclopedia brings together jurists, computer scientists, and data analysts to uncover the challenges, opportunities, and fault lines that arise as these groups are increasingly thrown together by expanding attempts to regulate and adapt to a data-driven world. It explains the concepts and tools at the crossroads of the many disciplines involved in data science and law, bridging scientific and applied domains. Entries span algorithmic fairness, consent, data protection, ethics, healthcare, machine learning, patents, surveillance, transparency and vulnerability. Comprehensive yet accessible, this Encyclopedia will be an indispensable resource for scholars of law, data science, artificial intelligence and law and technology.
Call Number: E-Book
ISBN: 9781839104589
Publication Date: 2022
Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative Law by Jan M. Smits (Editor); Jaakko Husa (Editor); Catherine Valcke (Editor); Madalena Narciso (Editor)
Bringing together over 260 authors from 50 countries, the Encyclopedia of Comparative Lawis the most comprehensive reference work in the field of comparative law. The Encyclopedia provides a unique collection of entries, written by authorities in their field, on the current state of this ever-emerging discipline. Entries provide unique insights into not only classical themes within the field but also expand the comparative method to many new topics - showing the way ahead for future scholarship. In addition, many topics are placed within a broader context, with attention given to aspects of social science, economics and anthropology. Entries are alphabetically arranged, covering topical aspects of comparative law as well as country reports addressing the world's most important jurisdictions. The Encyclopedia is an indispensable source of information for anyone dealing with comparative and international aspects of the law. Key Features: A comprehensive range of over 225 substantive entries Entries organised alphabetically for ease of navigation Fully cross-referenced Special focus on methods used in comparative scholarship Entries written by the world's foremost scholars of comparative law World class editorial team
Call Number: E-Book
ISBN: 9781839105593
Publication Date: 2023
The Oxford Handbook of AI Governance by Justin B. Bullock (Editor); Yu-Che Chen (Editor); Johannes Himmelreich (Editor); Valerie M. Hudson (Editor); Anton Korinek (Editor); Matthew M. Young (Editor); Baobao Zhang (Editor)
As the capabilities of Artificial Intelligence (AI) have increased over recent years, so have the challenges of how to govern its usage. Consequently, prominent stakeholders across academia, government, industry, and civil society have called for states to devise and deploy principles, innovative policies, and best practices to regulate and oversee these increasingly powerful AI tools. Developing a robust AI governance system requires extensive collective efforts throughout the world. It also raises old questions of politics, democracy, and administration, but with the new challenges posed by AI's growing influence on markets, governing structures, international relations, healthcare, science, and political activism. The Oxford Handbook of AI Governance delineates the scope of these issues and addresses the key questions of AI governance. Across forty-nine chapters, organized in nine major sections, the Handbook covers the theoretical and ethical foundations of AI governance, different frameworks for developing a governance structure for AI, practical perspectives on AI governance in different policy domains, economic analyses of AI governance, and concrete lessons about the impact of AI governance domestically and internationally. Chapter authors come from a wide set of disciplines, areas of study, and cultural backgrounds, providing a global perspective on AI governance.
Call Number: E-Book
ISBN: 0197579329
Publication Date: 2024
The Cambridge Handbook of Artificial Intelligence by Larry A. DiMatteo (Editor); Cristina Poncibò (Editor); Michel Cannarsa (Editor)
The technology and application of artificial intelligence (AI) throughout society continues to grow at unprecedented rates, which raises numerous legal questions that to date have been largely unexamined. Although AI now plays a role in almost all areas of society, the need for a better understanding of its impact, from legal and ethical perspectives, is pressing, and regulatory proposals are urgently needed. This book responds to these needs, identifying the issues raised by AI and providing practical recommendations for regulatory, technical, and theoretical frameworks aimed at making AI compatible with existing legal rules, principles, and democratic values. An international roster of authors including professors of specialized areas of law, technologists, and practitioners bring their expertise to the interdisciplinary nature of AI.
Call Number: E-Book
ISBN: 9781316512807
Publication Date: 2022
The Cambridge Handbook of Responsible Artificial Intelligence by Silja Voeneky (Editor); Philipp Kellmeyer (Editor); Oliver Mueller (Editor); Wolfram Burgard (Editor)
In the past decade, artificial intelligence (AI) has become a disruptive force around the world, offering enormous potential for innovation but also creating hazards and risks for individuals and the societies in which they live. This volume addresses the most pressing philosophical, ethical, legal, and societal challenges posed by AI. Contributors from different disciplines and sectors explore the foundational and normative aspects of responsible AI and provide a basis for a transdisciplinary approach to responsible AI. This work, which is designed to foster future discussions to develop proportional approaches to AI governance, will enable scholars, scientists, and other actors to identify normative frameworks for AI to allow societies, states, and the international community to unlock the potential for responsible innovation in this critical field. This book is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core.
Call Number: E-Book
ISBN: 9781009207867
Publication Date: 2022
Research Handbook on the Law of Artificial Intelligence by Woodrow Barfield (Editor); Ugo Pagallo (Editor)
The field of artificial intelligence has made tremendous advances in the last few decades, but as smart as AI is now, it is getting exponentially smarter and becoming more autonomous in its actions. This raises a host of challenges to current legal doctrine, including whether the output of AI entities should count as 'speech', the extent to which AI should be regulated under antitrust and criminal law statutes, and whether AI should be considered an independent agent and responsible for its actions under the law of tort or agency. Containing chapters written by leading U.S., EU, and International law scholars, the Research Handbook presents current law, statutes, and regulations on the role of law in an age of increasingly smart AI, addressing issues of law that are critical to the evolution of AI and its role in society. To provide a broad coverage of the topic, the Research Handbook draws upon free speech doctrine, criminal law, issues of data protection and privacy, legal rights for increasingly smart AI systems, and a discussion of jurisdiction for AI entities that will not be 'content' to stay within the geographical boundaries of any nation state or be tied to a particular physical location. Using numerous examples and case studies, the chapter authors discuss the political and jurisdictional decisions that will have to be made as AI proliferates into society and transforms our government and social institutions. The Research Handbook will also introduce designers of artificially intelligent systems to the legal issues that apply to the make-up and use of AI from the technologies, algorithms, and analytical techniques. This essential guide to the U.S., EU, and other International law, regulations, and statutes which apply to the emerging field of 'law and AI' will be a valuable reference for scholars and students interested in information and intellectual property law, privacy, and data protection as well as to legal theorists and social scientists who write about the future direction and implications of AI. The Research Handbook will also serve as an important reference for legal practitioners in different jurisdictions who may litigate disputes involving AI, and to computer scientists and engineers actively involved in the design and use of the next generation of AI systems.
Call Number: E-Book
ISBN: 9781786439048
Publication Date: 2018