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Legal Scholarship Publishing Guide: Types of Research Profiles

Types of Research Profiles

 There are different types of research profiles that provide different information depending on the academic database. It is recommended to have profiles on the databases where your work has been indexed. To learn more about some of the different types of research profiles click on their names below.

Research Profile/Identifiers


ORCiD ID (Open Researcher and Contributor identifier)

  • Unique, persistent identifier which can be linked on various research profiles and publications, such as the Scopus Author Identifier and HeinOnline Author Profile.
  • Distinguishes your research activities and outputs from those of other researchers with similar names.
  • Increasingly used by aggregators and index databases.

Faculty Research Profile (Selected Works)

  • A Bepress platform that sits alongside the Osgoode Digital Commons and acts as the public face for showcasing the research publications of individual Osgoode faculty members.
  • Displays other types of works such as conference papers, seminars, editorials, etc.
  • Faculty can take their SW profile with them to another institution using Bepress, even if they are no longer affiliated with Osgoode.


  • Records number of downloads and citations of preprints, capturing alternative metrics usages.
  • Full text papers are indexed by Google Scholar.
  • Connect with other scholars and their work.


  • Automatically display lists of articles in database.
  • Connects to ORCiD ID and SSRN profile.
  • Displays citation metric including h-index.


  • Automatically generates a Scopus Author Identifier and Profile when authors get at least one Scopus-indexed item.
  • Citation visualization of on an article level and author level, including h-index, citation counts and more.
  • Connects to ORCiD ID.
  • Cannot be manually created.

Google Scholar

  • Indexes article metrics, Google Scholar profiles captures metrics for articles, books, reports, theses, conference proceedings, pre-prints, etc.
  • You can be followed by others in your network.
  • Crawls the web looking for scholarly publications, making open access content more discoverable.

Make a change to your profile 

If you spot an error in your profile you can either correct it yourself by logging into your account or contact the Digital Scholarship Librarian to help update any of your author profiles for you. 

To make the changes yourself for Scopus you will need to submit a request using the Scopus Author Feedback Wizard. 

Measuring you Impact

Research profiles can also provide you with author level metrics that measure the impact of the entirety of your work listed within your profile. This is helpful for when asked to demonstrate the impact of your research for grant applications, and tenure promotions. 

The three platforms that offer author level impacts are Scopus, HeinOnline and SSRN. Certain research profiles provide you with different author metrics, that may be helpful to understand and be aware to incorporate into your grant applications or CV.  

Scopus author metrics allow users to analyze and track your citation history, review your total citation and document counts, as well as access and export your citation trends 

HeinOnline’s ScholarsCheck displays on your author profile, the number of times you were cited by other articles, case citations counts, the number of times your article was viewed and an overall HeinOnline ranking known as ScholarRank. 

SSRN author profile metrics display the number of papers you’ve submitted, number of times your paper has been downloaded and cited within SSRN.


Did you know?

lightbuildOsgoode Digital Commons can now feature ORCiD numbers with direct links to your ORCiD profile, on the entry site of your work. Having your ORCiD ID visible on individual works exposes your readers to all your works. The Library can help create an account for you and upload your information if you don't have an ORCiD ID.

Ways to improve your profile