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Legal Scholarship Publishing Guide: Benefits of Research Profiles

What are research profiles?

A research profile, sometimes referred to as an author profile, is usually offered on online scholarly databases and platforms and allows you to showcase your research publications, and on certain platforms your funding, employment, education, as well as a summary of your research interests.

What are identifiers?

An identifier is an important part of a research profile. Certain platforms will automatically provide an identifier alongside a research profile. Identifiers help ensure your work is being properly attributed to you. This is important when considering names changing between publications as well as common names that may be attributed to the wrong author. The most prevalent identifier within academic communities is the ORCiD ID.

How is a research profile helpful for your research goals?

An author profile can enhance the visibility of your scholarly work. It can facilitate exposure to a wider audience and provides a means to measure the impact and reach of your scholarship. Some profiles provide alternative metrics like PlumX Metrics tapping into social media platforms and is currently used on Osgoode Digital Commons and SSRN (Social Science Research Network)

Why should you have more than one profile?

There are some important reasons to create and manage multiple author profiles. Different databases don't always have the same publications or works listed. Some platforms also track more than just journal articles, for example, book chapters and conference papers. Plus, if a database doesn't include the journal where your work is published, it won't show up in your profile. So, having multiple profiles helps make sure your work gets discovered. Lastly, certain profiles can integrate to each other allowing you to send work from one profile to the other. This feature is available in ORCiD profiles which can integrate work on Scopus ID profiles and HeinOnline profiles. It's a convenient and simple way to make sure your ORCiD account includes all your work.

Library Services

As part of the Law Library’s service, we can help create certain profiles for you, including uploading your work.

The Osgoode Digital Commons can also make sure your Faculty Research Profile is updated by submitting your work after it is completed whether it is a preprint, postprint or a revision. We check with the publishers to abide by the copyright permission for you. The best and fastest way to take advantage of this service and have an updated profile is by using the submission form on MyOsgoode or by emailing as your work is completed.

Problems an ORCID iD can fix

Contact to have an account created for you.