The subject areas have been organized using an adaptation of the Indigenous Materials Classification Schema (IMCS), which was first implemented at the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR) Reference Library in 2015, and developed by Camille Callison (Tahltan Nation), Alissa Cherry and Keshav Mukunda.
Indigenous Economies: Economic development, forestry, mining, natural resources, tourism, trade and exploration
Indigenous Governance (Contemporary): Leaders and leadership, activism and resistance, governance, organizations
Justice System & Indigenous Peoples: Law and justice, Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
Law, Legislation & Government Policy: Aboriginal law, property and intellectual property, commissions and inquiries
Rights & Title: Treaties and UN, fiduciary obligations, Marshall case
Nature & Ecological Knowledge: Environment, fish and wildlife, food, ethnobotany
Education: Educational resources, teacher training program, residential schools
Community: Museums, sports and recreation, urbanization
Roles and Relationships: Social work, identity, society, sexuality
Health and Wellbeing: Mental wellness, primary care in the community, traditional medicine, racism in health, sexual health, women's health, nursing
Tangible and Intangible Culture and Material: Film, drama, literature, media, publishers, oral history and traditions