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Engineering: How to Search for Patents in Espacenet

Why and how to search for patents? - MIT Video Tutorials

(MIT Tech TV, 2011)

Google Patent Search

Google Patent Search

Espacenet - Searching for Patents

Topic Example: Ground penetrating radar

Step 1: Describe the Structure, Function, and Use of item you are searching. Is it a process or product? How is the invention used? (Note: avoid broad terms like device, trademarks, and brands).

Structure: Antenna, Controller, iPhone, etc.
Function: 3D image of subsurface
Use: Soil and bedrock study, archaeological, crime, detection of mines
How is it used?: Uses radio waves to map underground features and objects
Step 2: Identify keywords that best represent the item you are searching.
iPhone            Radio waves                 soil
Controller        Image                           resolution
Step 3: Using some of the keywords identified, search for patents in Espacenet using Smart Search.

Step 4: View Results page and select a patent to discover further.
Step 5: View the item further, read the Abstract, take note of the patent document number, and download original document to read more about the design.