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Arts & Media Administration: Data and Statistics

Ontario & Canadian Statistics

The Canadian statistical system is a centralized model; meaning that most data may be accessible through Statistics Canada.  Below is a list of resources that may assist in data and statistical retreival in the various applicable NAICS codes through StatsCan.

U.S. Based Statistical Agencies

 American statistics not only provide information regarding domestic activity, but also U.S. activity with foreign nations. 

Industrial Classification Codes

Industrial classification codes group together companies based on the goods and services provided.

Statistics Canada predominantly uses The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)NAICS is an industrial classification system for Canada, United States and Mexico. There are some national differences.

The two main NAICS codes that you might be interested in for Arts & Media research would be:


Other classification codes include:

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes

MSCI/S&P: Global Industry Classification Stardard (GICS)