Welcome to York University's Business Writing Guide. This guide will introduce you to effective business communication processes and resources needed to successfully write business correspondence, case reports, business plans, and business proposals. This guide also includes instructions on effective resume and cover letter writing.
Business students may seek writing assistance from the Writing Department.
Writing Department
South Ross Room 311
York University
4700 Keele Street
Toronto ON M3J 1P3
Phone: 416-736-5134
E-mail: lapswrit@yorku.ca
Get help online or in person through the Writing Centre.
Website: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/writing-centre/
Business students can also seek assistance with writing at the Learning Commons in Scott Library. A service point is available during posted hours, staffed by writing instructors, where students can obtain assistance with starting an assignment, developing a thesis, writing analytically, considering audience’s expectations, and organizing and structuring an essay.
The Student Paper & Academic Research Kit guides you through the process of writing an academic paper.
The following sections may be particularly useful:
This guide was created by Glenda Lowndes and Sophie Bury.
Updated 2015 Mary Gu.
Updated 2022 Jillie Reimer