Journal articles can be found in all subject areas using the Simple Search Box in Omni. If, however, you are conducting a thorough, discipline-specific search, the best option is to identify relevant databases and use the advanced search box. Library Research Guides can help you find the most useful databases for your topic.
Depending on your topic or your discipline, a database will have useful features and limits that will make your searches precise and well structured. Common elements to look for are "Subject Heading / Subject / Descriptor" and "Publication Date". When you go into a specific research guide, there will be additional information.
Subject Heading / Subject / Descriptor
A subject heading or descriptor search will generate more relevant results. To find subject headings or descriptors, use the Thesaurus in your database. Here is an example from the database PsycInfo.
Publication Date
When searching for articles in newspapers or journals, you can limit your search by date. Here is an example: