If you are searching to see if York University Libraries has a specific journal title in the collection, Omni is a good place to start your search.
Start at the York University Libraries home page. Under the Omni search bar, click "Advanced Search".
Click on "Journal Search".
Type the name of the journal you are looking for and click "Search". In this example, the search is for the journal Psychology Today.
Click journal title, in this case Psychology Today.
For a simple search, click "Search Inside" and type your keyword search in the search bar. For this example, the word kind* was used. Click "Search".
The search results screen has a number of interesting features including the number of results and a "Modify your results" box. Here you can sort the results by date or relevance.
To view an article click the title or "Available Online" to click through to a database to open the article.
Note the date of the article of interest. Scroll down to the list of databases under "View Online" to find one that encompasses that date. In this case, the article "A Call for Cognitive Kindness" was published in 2021 and that year would be in all the databases listed. In this example, click "ABI Inform" to go directly to the article.
The full-text article can be read online. Note the navigation bar on the top right of the screen to download to PDF, Cite, Email or Print. If you use the "Cite" feature don't forget to check the citation for accuracy.
Start at the York University Libraries home page. Under the Omni search bar, click "Advanced Search".
Click on "Journal Search".
Type the name of the journal you are looking for and click "Search". In this example, the search is for the journal Psychology Today.
Click journal title, in this case Psychology Today.
Under "View Online" note that dates of online availability, scroll down to see locations of hard copies or microtext.
To search online, click on a database that includes dates that you want to search. In this example, click on ABI/INFORM Global.
To create a multi-subject search, click "Advanced Search".
Psychology Today is indicated in the first search line with the publication ID. Use the search rows for the search within the publication and click "Search". Click here for help with some General Boolean Search Tips.