Digital Rights Management, or DRM, determines how digital content can be accessed and how it can be used. With regards to eBooks, it is used by publishers to prevent unauthorized reproduction of their electronic books.
DRM software controls the amount that can be downloaded from an eBook, the loan period, how much can be printed from a particular title, the type(s) of devices that can be used to read an eBook, and whether or not an eBook file can be transferred between devices. DRM is usually set by the eBook provider.
The easiest way to read the library's growing collection of eBooks is to simply read it on your browser. Reading the book on your browser allows you to read all of its content without any restrictions to the number of pages or chapters you can view. When you download the book, certain DRM guidelines will affect what you can and can't access. If you prefer to have a version of the book downloaded, consult the eBook Platforms section for step-by-step instructions.
Some eBook providers (including Scholars Portal Books) require you to use ADE to download an eBook for offline reading. Adobe Digital Editions is free to download and can be used on PCs, Macs, and mobile devices (iOS & Android). Once downloaded, books can be read online or offline and transferred between personal computers or other compatible devices. To download ADE, you are required to first create an Adobe Account. You will then need to authorize your computer and/or digital device using your Adobe Account for the very first time you download an eBook that uses ADE.
To checkout and download eBooks to your computer:
For step-by-step instructions on downloading books using ADE check under the eBooks Platforms tab and select the platform you are using to access the book. Or check out this helpful video from Aston University on downloading ADE software.