Many databases provide brief biographical sketches on senior management and directors, as do company websites, usually found under the "Who We Are" section. Listed below are the key print resources you can find in the Bronfman Library.
When looking for information about executives articles can often be a very useful source of information, e.g. articles in trade magazines, the popular press, company press releases or newspapers. For example, when a new CEO comes on board at a company a press release is often issued.
Explore our finding business articles guide below to get links to useful databases you can use to find articles, as well as tips on searching them:
We recommend the "Salaries Research Section" of the Career Research Resources guide linked below. You'll find it in the Occupational Research section of this guide.
It is really useful to learn about
This guide will go over the steps to finding information on key people using the following library databases: Marketline, Hoovers, LexisNexis Academic, PrivCo, and Factiva.