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Mining Management: Industry Reports

About Industry Reports

Industry reports are useful, as they provide you with an overview of a specific industry, and include sections such as:

  • a review of the competitive landscape
  • major industry players
  • historical and current trends
  • regulatory issues 

Consult the Industry Codes section of this research guide to learn more about using industry codes to search some of the databases listed in this guide.

Industry Information in SNL Metals and Mining

SNL Metals & Mining is a unique database that provides data and research on activity in the global metals and mining industries and is one of the best research databases the library has for this field. Check out this user guide for installing and using the SNL Metals & Mining's Office Add-in. To use the Office Add-in off-campus, make sure you use York's VPN.

First time users

  • Create a login using an or email address when you're on-campus
  • Only use Internet Explorer and Chrome browsers.

Accessing Industry Resources

  • Hover over "Industries" tab
  • Click on drop-down menu options, such as
    •  Industry monitors; Industry trends & statistics; Strategic reports; Reserve replacement studies; Corporate exploration strategies; Company exploration budgets; and Commodity profiles

Specific Content in Industries tab

  • Industry monitors: Provides reports on pipeline activity, significant drill results, project milestones, and other areas
  • Industry trends & statistics: Use menus to select sub-industries, choose fields for comparison, and can click on any linked data in index for more detail
  • Strategic reports: Provides reports on areas such as commodity-specific mines and outlooks for specific mining industries
  • Reserve Replacement Studies: Coverage spans from 2005-present
  • Corporate Exploration Strategies: Provides worldwide global exporation strategy reports from 1989-2013
  • Commodity profiles: Use search bar to locate profiles for commodities such as potash, gold, or copper. Profiles include latest news on commodity, project lists, and country reserve rankings.

Other Industry Report Sources