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Social Assistance Resources: Ontario

Ontario Benefits

Below you will find an overview of various Ontario benefits and social assistance programs, covering child care, disability, health, housing, seniors, and emergency assistance. For more in depth information, including how to apply for benefits and coverage information, please consult the Ontario Benefits document attached.

Disability Benefits

For more in-depth information on Ontario Disability Support Program and Ontario Works benefits, application process, coverage, and details, please see the Ontario Benefits document on this page.

Health Benefits

Please see the Ontario Benefits document on this page for in-depth information and a full list of medical services, drugs, and program coverage available in Ontario.

Child Care Benefits

For additional information regarding benefits and coverage, please see the Ontario Benefits document on this page.

Seniors Benefits

For more detailed information on the application process, coverage amounts and more, please see the Ontario Benefits document on this page.

Housing Benefits

For additional information, including coverage information, application process and details on eligibility, please see the Ontario Benefits document on this page. As well, find details on additional housing benefits programs, including:
- Energy Affordability Program
- Home Winterproofing Program
- Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP)
- Emergency Energy Fund (EEF)
- Property Tax, Water, and Solid Waste Relief Programs
- Property Tax Increase Cancellation Program
- Property Tax Increase Deferral Program
- Water Rebate and Solid Waste Rebate Programs
- Homelessness Rent Help (Toronto)
- Second Career

Ontario Benefits Coverage