Formerly Lexis Nexis Academic Plus. Makes available thousands of news, business, and legal information sources. Included are current international newspapers, as well as news magazines, newswires, broadcast transcripts, and newsletters. Business information includes business and financial news, U.S. and international company financial information from government or private sources, market research, industry reports, and actual SEC filings. The Company Dossier service covers over 30 million public and private companies worldwide. Also offers access to case law, statutes and regulations, as well as secondary sources such as law reviews and legal news. See guide for help.
Topic: Law (General)
Jurisdiction: Australia / Canada - Federal / Canada - Provinces / Commonwealth / England / European Union / International / Multijurisdictional / United Kingdom / United States
Steps for Creating Permalinks to Newspaper Articles in Nexis Uni
1. Find the journal article or newsarticle or press release of interest
2. Click on the article title, then select the Export Citation button.
3. Select the Copy to Clipboard button and then paste this link into your web site or online document. If the link needs to be configured for off-campus access, please add the EzProxy prefix ( to the URL.