Before you visit:
When you visit:
Now that you have completed the background reading on your focused research question and determined that the information on your topic may be held in an archives, you are ready to proceed to the next step: finding an archives.
Archival records may be found in a variety of places:
With over 800 public archival institutions in Canada, finding the information you need may seem like a daunting task. How do you narrow your search? Some tips include:
Remember Canada's total archives tradition. Because of this legacy, you will find records:
in all formats in Canadian archives, including slides, photographs, sound and video recordings.
Note: If a person or organization was significant in a particular place or region, the records will likely be found in an archival institution there.
Note: Identify major research collections during your secondary research. Institutional research collections focus on specific areas and will collect supporting materials in those areas.