Property Data Maps. City of Toronto. DWG FormatDescription:The Property Data Maps are detailed maps of the City of Toronto that show building footprints, sidewalks, street and traffic infrastructure, spot heights etc. The data is available in DWG format and can be read in a GIS or a drawing program such as Autocad. Our collection covers 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010-2013, and 2015-2022.
Access: Research and Educational Purposes for members of the York University community. The years 2013, 2015, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022 are available via the
Scholars Geoportal. Do a data search for the term "toronto property data maps". If you need Property Data plans from prior to 2013 and for 2023, please request the data via our
GAIA request system; specify the title, tile numbers, format, and the year you would like. Consult the
PDM Index Map to determine which tiles you need.
Publisher: City of Toronto Survey and Mapping Services.