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Maps and Atlases: Earth Sciences/Geology

This guide helps you find maps and atlases that can be used in course assignments, or for your research.

Print Resources at the Map Collection

The Geological Sciences publications and maps accompanying books are housed in various York University Libraries. Atlases and books are listed in the online catalogue. Most sheet maps are located in the Map Collection and are listed in the Map Library Holdings List.

The York University Map Collection has an extensive worldwide collection of maps and atlases on geology and related topics. It includes maps from the Geological Survey of Canada, the Ontario Geological Survey, the United States Geological Survey, and from the geological Departments of many other nations, as well as commercial agencies, and international bodies (i.e. Commission for the Geological Map of the World).

The Map Collection has sheets on surficial geology and bedrock geology, as well as tectonics, metamorphism, magnetism, gravity, geochemistry and geohydrology, mines and minerals and other current topics such as oil and gas, and energy resources.


Method for finding Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) maps

Location in the Map Collection – Arranged by Province and Region

Start by looking in the Map Collection Holdings List:

Nova Scotia: G/3431/C5/-/1863-

New Brunswick: G/3441/C5/-/1863-

Prince Edward Island: G/3451/C5/-/1863-

Newfoundland & Labrador: G/3461/C5/-/1863-

Quebec: 3481/C5/-/1863-

Ontario: G/3501/C5/-/1863-

Manitoba: 3541/C5/-/1863-

Saskatchewan: 3551/C5/-/1863-

Alberta: 3561/C5/-/1863-

British Columbia: 3571/C5/-/1863-

Northern Canada (Yukon, NWT): 3581/C5/-/1863-

See also Canada (as a whole), North America, and regional areas such as: Atlantic Canada, Eastern Canada, Western Canada, Arctic

Indexes for GSC maps (published up to 1986) are located in map cabinet # 15 (3401/C5/1000/1970-). For more recent GSC publications, check the Map Library Holdings List.

Example 1: To find a geology map of Bonavista, Newfoundland.

1) Look in the Map Collection Holdings List – Newfoundland area (3461), then turn to the geology section (C5). The series number (with the title) arranges GSC maps in numerical order. In this case the call number is G/3461/C5/-/1863-. The title we are looking for is Bonavista and the series number is 1130A.

2) The maps are filed by call number and series number. The series number 1130A will appear in the bottom portion of the map call number box.

Example 2: If you do not know the name of the area you are interested in, but you have good idea of the location on a map, and you need a map showing surficial geology. In this case a peak in British Columbia.

1) Look for the appropriate index (In map cabinet #15) which covers the area you wish to look up (in this case Index # 92). As you will see there are several maps indexed (outlined) for this area.

2) All Geology indexes include a colour legend. When the location is outlined in blue, look for the number (written in blue) at the centre of the outline. Each of the numbers is listed on the border of the index sheet. This number will list the GSC sheet number and the title of the map. In this case the outline for blue # 19 corresponds to GSC map 1291A – Mount Waddington, B.C.

3) Go to the corresponding map cabinet drawer and find the map with call number 3571/C5/-/1863-/1291A. This will be the Mount Waddington map. If Bedrock geology were required, for the same area, a Red outline would be necessary.

Example 3: To find a quaternary geology map of Atlantic Canada (hint – regional Canada).

1) Check in the Map Collection Holdings List for the section on Atlantic Canada (G/3411) under geology (C5). There are several maps listed in this section including: Quaternary geology of the continental margin of eastern Canada (G/3411/C5/5000/1988 A)

Method for finding Ontario Geological Survey (OGS) maps

Location in the Map Collection – Arranged by Series within Ontario

Start by looking in the Map Collection Holdings list: G/3501/C5/-/1891-

The Map Collection has a robustcollection of OGS maps. These maps are produced in two series, published and preliminary. The published (coloured) maps are followed by a small collection of preliminary maps (Black/blue and white). The OGS preliminary maps are all available on fiche. Indexes for all OGS maps and fiche are filed in the first drawer of the series (map cabinet #22).

Index 1,2,3. Out-of-print published maps, Geological series (Green)

Index 4,5,6. Published maps, Geological Series (Green)

Index 7. Northern and Southern Ontario Engineering Geology Terrain Studies (Pink)

Index 8,9,10. Preliminary maps, Geological series (Yellow)

Index 11,12,13. Preliminary maps, Geochemical-Geophysical and Data Series (Yellow)

Index 14. Specialised Preliminary Series (Drift Thickness, Quaternary Geology, Bedrock Topography)

All indexes have a legend listing the types of maps indexed in the series. Once the map number is located on the index sheet, go to the drawer with the corresponding number and the appropriate coloured drawer label.

Any number not circled on the indexes means it is not part of our collection.

Example 1: To find a map of Quaternary Geology of Parkhill (Southern Ontario) Area (NTS 40 P/4).

1) Look in the first drawer of the series (Ontario Geology G/3501/C5/-/1891-) for the correct Index sheet. The Index for Quaternary Geology is Index 6 – Published Geological Maps, Southern Ontario.

2) Locate the area on this Index sheet. The legend indicates that an area outlined in red represents a Quaternary Geology map. In this case the map sheet number is 2402.

3) Note that the call number box of this index is pale green. To find any of the maps indexed on this sheet, look in the drawers labeled with pale green. Within these drawers, maps are filed in numerical order. Locate Map 2402. This will be the Parkhill Area Quaternary Geology sheet.


If you have the exact number of a geology sheet you need. Look in the Map Collection Holdings List in the Geology section G/3501/C5/-/1891- to see if the Library has it, and if so go directly to the drawer.

Example 2: To find map P.266 (Any map number beginning with “P” means it is a preliminary sheet).

1) This is Bedrock topography: Grand Bend area. Go directly to the microfiche on top of cabinet 24. All Preliminary maps are filed in numerical order here.

Method for finding geological maps of the United States

Geological maps of the United States are issued by the federal government (USGS) and by the individual state government agencies.

United States Federal maps: Geological maps for the U.S. are filed by series in the general United States area under call number range 3701/C5/—. All series maps, USGS and other agency, are listed in the Map Library Holdings List and are filed by subject also within the general United States (3701) area.


Hydrologic Investigations Atlas 3701/ C34/7500/1951-80

Principal mineral areas of the U.S. G/3701/ H1/7500/1990

Seismicity of Alaska, 1786-1987 (U.S.G.S.) G/3721/ C55/2500/1989

U.S. State maps: State geological maps are listed in the Map Library Holdings List by subject, within the list for each state. These maps are issued from state departments and other agencies. For any of these maps check the Map Library Holdings List under the area (state) and the subject (C5).


Geologic of Nevada 4021/C5/1000/1977

Geological map of Alaska 3721/C5/2500/1980

Method for finding geological maps for other areas of the world

Location in the Map Library – Arranged by Area (Region or Country) and Subject (C5).

Start by looking in the Map Library Holdings list: Area/C5/

Once you have found the call number, go the drawer and find the map.


Geologic time table 3201/C5/-/1985-

This dynamic planet G/3201/C55/30000/1989

Circumpolar geological map of the Arctic 9781/C5/6000/1989

Geologic map of Antarctica 9801/C5/5000/1972