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Maps and Atlases: First Nations, Inuit and Métis

This guide helps you find maps and atlases that can be used in course assignments, or for your research.

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Maps, Atlas and Geospatial - Research Guides

Print Resources in the Map Collection

To find maps about First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples in the Map Library's collection, please use the Holdings binders located on the first row of cabinets in the Map Library. You can also use the library catalogue, but not all maps are currently catalogued in it.

Many aboriginal maps are generally classifed using the subject code E. For example, maps about Indigenous peoples of Ontario are filed under G 3501 E E1

Detailed list of maps in our collection

Detailed list of books & atlases in our collection

Finding Maps and Atlases in our Collection

Search the York University Catalogue

Try Keywords

  • map
  • GIS
  • atlas
  • traditional use study
  • cartography

Use quotation marks to search for a phrase"

  • Example: "first nations", "traditional use study"

Use a question mark to truncate a term, i.e. search words with the same stem:

  • Example: aborig? searches aboriginal, aboriginals, aboriginality, etc 
  • Example: indigen? searches indigenous, indigeneity

Subject Headings

Set filters to Subject contains in Omni advanced search:

Screencap showing advanced search function in Omni with subject set to "contains"

Try some of the following search terms:

  • Indigenous Peoples - Maps
  • Indigenous Peoples - Atlases
  • First Nations--Maps
  • Indians of North America--Maps
  • Indian cartography--North America