When you refer to a print map, airphoto, a map in an atlas, a web map, geospatial data or other cartographic information in an assignment, essay, publication or website, it needs to be cited. Bibliographic citation guides such as the MLA, APA, and Chicago Style follow a similar format for citing maps. To make the citation clear to the reader you may need to include specific cartographic elements based on the type of cartographic material. Below is a list of citation guides that you can use to help you in citing print and digital cartographic materials.
- Kollen, C., Shawa, W. & Larsgaard, M. (2010). Cartographic Citations: A Style Guide. 2nd ed. Chicago: Map and Geography Round Table, American Library Association. Z 6021 K65 2010 (Map Library Service Desk)
- Best Practices in Citation of Cartographic Materials. ACMLA. This document provides suggested citation formats with examples for cartographic materials such as : airphotos, satellite imagery, print maps, maps in atlases, and geospatial data.
- Citing Maps. Ohio Wesleyan University. This guide provides several examples demonstrating how to cite print and digital maps in Chicago Style.
- Citing Maps. Western Washington University. This guide provides several examples demonstrating how to cite print and digital maps in MLA and APA style.