Computer workstations are located in all library branches. These are available for student, faculty, staff, and guest usage.
*Note - any changes made to the local computer are lost. Users must save files to the F: drive, or My Documents to retain access to them after logging off
Students registered with Library Accessibility Services can access these workstations at all of the library branches. These workstations offer adaptive software, such as screen-readers, magnifiers, etc.
Visit the Wireless Access page for information about using AirYorkPLUS, AirYorkGUEST, and eduroam.
There are other wireless networks available across campus (e.g. in York Lanes), but University Information Technology (UIT) recommends against using them as UIT does not maintain them (and presumably can't guarantee their security).
All York University currently registered students, faculty, and staff who are library users in good standing (i.e., no outstanding fines or liabilities over $25.00) may borrow a laptop from the Leslie Frost Library (Glendon). Visit the Laptop Borrowing page for detailed information and policy.
Please report computing problems to reference staff.
In general, problems with hardware and software are referred to; problems with network infrastructure are reported to, and problems with printers/copiers are referred to the manufacturer (Reference staff should be able to open tickets online).