Sites that do not easily fit into the other categories.
- Data-USA
Data USA is a free and open, publicly available, platform that has become one of the main sources for Americans to access public data. The comprehensive visualization engine integrates, visualizes and distributes publicly available data pulled from multiple public sources, such as the U.S. Department of Education, Census Bureau, Department of Labor, and Department of Health and Human Services…Data USA 3.0 includes more data sets but also updated features that enable users to more easily visualize public data..
- IPUMS-International
Provides access to census microdata from 68 countries, comprising 211 censuses. IPUMS-International is an effort to inventory, preserve, harmonize, and disseminate census microdata from around the world. The project has collected the world's largest archive of publicly available census samples. The data are coded and documented consistently across countries and over time to facillitate comparative research. IPUMS-International makes these data available to qualified researchers free of charge through a web dissemination system. Access is free, but registration is required.
- SimplyAnalytics
Create and download thematic maps, tables, reports and geospatial data using Canadian and American demographic, business, and marketing variables. It is only available to members of the York University community.Canadian data sources include: Adjusted Census Data, Demographic Estimates, Household Spending, PRIZM, and COVID-19 Outbreak data. American data sources include: U.S. Census Bureau Data, Community Demographic Estimates, Consumer Expenditure Estimates, Uniform Crime Reporting and NOAA Climate Divisional Database.