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Data & Statistics: Data & Statistics Concepts

Sources of aggregate statistics and microdata for use in a wide variety of subject areas


It is as important to be literate with respect to data and statistics, as it is with other kinds of information. To critically evaluate the data or statistics you are using in your research, you must have some understanding of the terms and concepts used when data and statistics are presented. The following definitions and sources can be useful - both to define concepts and give you a clearer understanding of the processes involved in creating the data in the first place.


Data: Data are

  • Collection of facts, such as numbers, words, measurements, and/or observations​

  • Organized in numeric files created for the purposes of analysis, when digital are machine readable​

  • Can include geographic information, which can then be used to make maps​

  • Can include temporal information, which can be used to study patterns and changes through time


  • type of information obtained through mathematical operations on numerical data​

  • statistics are processed data, or data that have been analyzed in some way​

  • generally used to support an argument or position in a study or report

Database: an organized and structured collection of data​

Open Data: Open data is data that can be freely used, re-used and redistributed by anyone - subject only, at most, to the requirement to attribute and share alike."

Record: collection of related fields treated as a unit, in a spreadsheet it is usually called “rows”​

Field: in a spreadsheet it is usually called “columns”

Data point (datum): is a single piece of information, such as: a fact, a figure, an observation, or a code. In a spreadsheet it is usually called a “cell”​

Variable:  any characteristics, number, or quantity that can be measured or counted


This will, I hope, become a growing collection of articles, blog posts, Twitter accounts, etc., related to the concepts of mathematical and statistical literacy. If you have any new ones to suggest, let me know!

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