Statistical & Data Software at York University Libraries
In general, the following statistical and data software are available on YorkU libraries workstations: Beyond 20/20, Microsoft Excel, R and/or R Studio, and MyApps (SAS, SPSS, STATA).
Statistical & Data Software at York University
MyApps is York University's one-stop portal for students, faculty, an staff to remotely access software. The following data and statistical software are available via MyApps: MATLAB 2019, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, Minitab, R 3.6.1, RStudio, SAS 9.4, SPSS 28, STATA 13) . Go to MyApps to access the applications. For more information, please consult the MyApps for students or the MyApps for faculty/staff website.
Other Software and Tools @ York University
For information on how to access data visualization tools, go to this webpage, Data Visualization: Choosing the right visualization tool
For information on how to access Geographic Information System software, go to the Geospatial Data Research Guide.
What is Beyond 20/20
Beyond 20/20 Professional Browser is a software which can be used to display, manipulate, subset and extract aggregate data, cross-tabulation data, and time series data.
Most data from Statistics Canada data is now freely available to the public via the Statistics Canada website. Some of the files are in Beyond 20/20 format (IVT format) and require Beyond 20/20, so that the user can manipulate and extract the data. The Topic-based tabulations are a typical example, and are available as HTML files or Beyond 20/20 files.
In addition, York University students and researchers have access via odesi to aggregate (cross-tabulation) datasets from Statistics Canada, some of which require Beyond 20/20 software.
Where to get it?
Beyond 20/20 is a free program, and can be downloaded from this link. It is already installed on all library computers.
How do get help using Beyond 20/20
Help is always available from the Data Librarian. There is also an online guide available (Beyond 2020 QuickStart Guide).