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Last updated 2023.04.24
- Amusement and recreation, summary statistics
- Book publishers, detailed financial statistics by country of control
- Book publishers, summary statistics
- Canada Council for the Arts: stats and stories (2021)
Statistical research and analysis regarding Canada Council funding programs, grant recipients and arts and cultural funding in a national context, proving a comprehensive look at Canada Council funding including funding maps, and detailed tables.
- Federal, provincial and territorial government expenditures on culture, by culture activity
(formerly CANSIM table 505-0003)
- Film and video distribution, summary statistics
- Film, television and video production, summary statistics
- Film, television and video post-production, summary statistics
- Motion picture theatres, summary statistics
- Newspaper publishers, summary statistics
- Performing arts, salary expenses and volunteer statistics, not-for-profit
- Performing arts, summary statistics
- Periodical publishers, summary statistics
- Provincial and Territorial Culture Indicators, 2010 to 2014
- Provincial and Territorial Culture Indicators, 2016
- Sound recording and music publishing, summary statistics
- Tourism spending on culture and sport products, 2016
- Trade of culture and sport products, 2016