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Recent Statistics Canada releases on crime & justice
Last updated 2023.04.26
- Statistics Canada's crime and justice statistics portal
Statistic Canada's one-stop shop to find data, tools, and reports on the latest information on crime and justice statistics.
- Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics profile series
These papers are a series of ten profiles that are funded through the Policy Research Initiative. The objective of this project is to outline the experience of various groups as victims and offenders* in the criminal justice system. The profiles are based on Statistics Canada sources and include a mix of demographic, economic and justice data as well as information specific to each group (i.e., women, visible minorities, seniors, religious groups, immigrants, children and youth, Canadians with low incomes, Canadians with literacy problems, Canadians with disabilities, Aboriginal peoples). *Data on offenders is only available for the following: Aboriginal people, children and youth, seniors, and women.
- Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics (CCJS) statistics
This reference tool contains some 50 electronic data tables illustrating current and historical data from a number of Statistics Canada surveys (e.g., Adult Criminal Court Survey, Adult Correctional Services Survey, police crime data, Homicide Survey, Legal Aid Survey, Uniform Crime Reporting Survey, Police Administration Survey, Youth Custody and Community Services data tables, Youth Court Survey, and Transition Home Survey. The database shows data on crime, police administration, adult and youth court activity, the correctional population and transition homes, as well as various issues such as criminal victimization and family violence. Most data are annual -- some 1974-2010, other series start in 1984 or 1997.
- Format: Beyond 20/20
- Access restrictions: DLI
- Canadian statistics on justice and crime
Tabular data on: crimes; victims, suspects and criminals; the police and the courts.
- Cases in adult criminal courts involving intimate partner violence
This Juristat article profiles the characteristics of completed cases in adult criminal courts and highlights differences and similarities between those involving intimate partner violence and non-intimate partner violence. The report analyses outcomes of completed cases, the sentences imposed, and the time required to complete intimate partner violence cases and non-intimate partner violence cases. The report uses a linked database through the Uniform Crime Reporting Survey and the Integrated Criminal Courts Survey for the period from 2005/2006 to 2010/2011.
- Corrections and Conditional Release Statistical Overview (Public Safety of Canada)
This document provides a statistical overview of corrections and conditional release within a context of trends in crime and criminal justice.
- Family violence in Canada: a statistical profile
"The purpose of this report is to provide the most up-to-date data on the nature and extent of family violence in Canada and to monitor trends over time. Each year, the report will have a special focus or theme. "
- Gender Differences in Police-reported Violent Crime in Canada
This profile focuses primarily on 2008 police-reported data obtained from the Incident-based Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR2) Survey. Funding for this profile was provided by the Policy Centre for Victim Issues (PCVI) of the Department of Justice Canada.
- General social surveys on victimization
- Homicide in Canada (1995-present)
(NOTE: Enter the phrase "homicide in canada" into the 'Filter items' input box to see all available issues)
This annual report is an examination of homicide in Canada. Detailed information is presented on the characteristics of homicide incidents (murder, manslaughter and infanticide), victims and accused within the context of both short and long-term trends. Geographical patterns of homicide are examined at the national and provincial/territorial levels, as well as for major metropolitan areas. Other key themes include international comparisons of homicide, gang-related homicides, firearm-related homicides, youth homicide and family (including spousal) homicides. The data are intended to respond to the needs of those who work in the criminal justice system as well as to inform researchers, policy analysts, academics, the media and the public on the nature and extent of homicide in Canada.
- Juristat (Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics)
"This series of reports provides detailed statistics and analysis on a variety of topics and issues concerning Canada's justice system. Annual Juristats are produced in the following areas: crime statistics, homicide, impaired driving, justice system resources and expenditures, youth court statistics, youth custody and probation and corrections statistics. Additional Juristats are also produced each year on current topics of interest to the justice community. This is a unique periodical, of great interest to those who have to plan, establish, administer and evaluate justice programs and projects, or anyone who has an interest in Canada's justice system. "
- Measuring Violence Against Women: Statistical Trends
"... a comprehensive summary of what is currently known about the prevalence and severity of violence against women in Canada. The report pulls together previously released data from victimization surveys, police services, courts and service agencies to assess the nature of violence against women. It addresses its impact, associated risk factors, institutional and community responses and the use of services by victims. The report updates a 2002 report titled Assessing Violence Against Women: A Statistical Profile, which introduced a number of violence indicators. It expands on these indicators, organizing them into five central themes: prevalence and severity; impact; risk factors for violence; institutional and community-based responses; and victims' use of services."
- Police-reported sexual assaults in Canada, 2009 to 2014: A statistical profile
"This Juristat article presents a statistical profile of sexual assaults reported by police in Canada between 2009 and 2014. A comprehensive analysis of incident, victim and accused characteristics over a six-year period is undertaken to offer a deeper understanding of those who commit sexual assault and those who are victims of it. Factors explored include location of the sexual assault, weapon(s) used, level of physical injury to the victim, as well as the age and sex profiles of accused and victims and the relationship between them. For the first time, new analysis on the delay in reporting to police is presented. Findings are compared with physical assault where appropriate in order to provide an analytical reference point. "
- Police-reported violence among same-sex intimate partners in Canada, 2009 to 2017
"This Juristat article uses data reported by police services to examine the nature of violent crime that takes place within same-sex intimate relationships—that is, spousal, boyfriend, girlfriend and other intimate relationships. Research has shown that victims of same-sex IPV face unique barriers that may affect whether they report their victimization to police or seek help. Some of these barriers include fear of self-disclosure, uncertainties about other people's homophobic reactions, and prior experiences of discrimination or harassment. The analysis of violent incidents involving same-sex partners presented in this article broadens the scope of research on IPV and provides additional information to support the development of more inclusive prevention and response programs."
- Toronto crime data by census tract, 2006 (.xls)
From the Uniform Crime Reporting survey (UCR 2.0), this one-time-only dataset shows incidents of crime at the census tract level. Types of incidents are classified into: Violent crime, Property crime, Sexual assault, Drug offences, Shoplifting, Criminal harassment, Uttering threat, Minor assault, Major assault, Robbery, Theft from a motor vehicle, Theft of a motor vehicle, Break and enter, Mischief, Other theft.
- Toronto crime maps, 2004-2011 (CBC)
The map shows the incidents of crime (in eight different categories) over eight years. Data for specific crime types and neighbourhoods can be obtained. Neighbourhood crime profiles can be exported in different formats.
- Toronto Police Service Public Safety Data Portal
Contains a wide variety of datasets, analytics, maps and other visualizations about policing, crime, and public safety in the city of Toronto. It also includes field information reports conducted by the Toronto Police Service (carding) from 2008 to 2013
- Toronto Police Service: Reports
These reports provide access to a wide range of Toronto statistics including (in part) reported offences, charges, personnel, public complaints, and figures related to community policing programs.
- Uniform Crime Reporting Survey
The Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics (CCJS), in co-operation with the policing community, collects police-reported crime statistics through the Uniform Crime Reporting Survey (UCR). The UCR Survey was designed to measure the incidence of crime in Canadian society and its characteristics. UCR data reflect reported crime that has been substantiated by police. Information collected by the survey includes the number of criminal incidents, the clearance status of those incidents and persons-charged information. Data from the UCR Survey provide key information for crime analysis, resource planning and program development for the policing community. To the public, the UCR survey offers information on the nature and extent of police-reported crime and crime trends in Canada. As well, media, academics and researchers use these data to examine specific issues about crime.
- Violence against women survey (1993)
"The survey collected data on perceptions of personal safety and measures taken to reduce risk of violent victimization; sexual harassment; experiences of physical and sexual assault by strangers, dates/boyfriends, husbands and common-law partners, and other known men; power/control and emotional abuse by husbands/partners; spouse abuse in family of origin; the impact of the experience on women who report violence; who they turn to for help; and, involvement and satisfaction with the criminal justice system."
- Visible Minorities and Victimization
" ... this profile examines certain socio-demographic and economic characteristics of visible minorities in Canada followed by an analysis of the rates and characteristics of violent crimes involving visible minority victims. It also provides information on visible minorities' perceptions of safety and of the criminal justice system."
Last updated 2023.04.26
United States
- Arrest Data Analysis Tool (Bureau of Justice Statistics)
"'This dynamic data analysis tool allows you to generate tables and figures of arrest data from 1980 onward. You can view national arrest estimates, customized either by age and sex or by age group and race, for many offenses. This tool also enables you to view data on local arrests.Select National Estimates or Agency-Level Counts from the menu above. Use the Annual Tables to view tables of arrest data broken down by sex, race, age, or juvenile and adult age groups. Select Trend Tables by Sex or Trend Tables by Race to create customized tables of long-term trends. In National Estimates, you can also view figures of long-term trends by sex or by race and age-arrest curves for many offenses."
- Bureau of Justice Statistics
The mission of the BJS is to collect, analyze, publish, and disseminate information on crime, criminal offenders, victims of crime, and the operation of justice systems at all levels of government.
- Capital punishment (Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice)
"Presents characteristics of persons under sentence of death at the end of each calendar year, and of persons executed in that year. This annual BJS Bulletin summarizes the movement of prisoners into and out of death sentence status during the year. Numerical tables present data on offenders' sex, race, Hispanic origin, education, marital status, age at time of arrest for capital offense, legal status at time of capital offense, methods of execution, trends, and time between imposition of death sentence and execution."
- Hall of Justice
"A project of the Sunlight Foundation, this site is a searchable inventory of publicly available criminal justice datasets and research. While not comprehensive, Hall of Justice contains nearly 10,000 datasets and research documents from all 50 states, the District of Columbia, U.S. territories and the federal government. The data were collected between September 2014 and October 2015. It has tagged datasets so that users can search across the inventory for broad topics, ranging from death in custody to domestic violence to prison population. The inventory incorporates government as well as academic data.
- Hate crime statistics (1995-present)
An annual publication in which the FBI provides data on the number of incidents, offenses, victims, and offenders in reported crimes that were motivated in whole or in part by a bias against the victim’s perceived race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity/national origin, or disability.
- National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
"The National Archive of Criminal Justice Data acquires, archives, processes, and provides access to computer-readable criminal justice data collections for research and instruction. The NACJD website provides downloadable access to over 550 criminal justice data collections free of charge."
- SimplyAnalytics
Create and download thematic maps, tables, reports and geospatial data using Canadian and American demographic, business, and marketing variables. It is only available to members of the York University community.Canadian data sources include: Adjusted Census Data, Demographic Estimates, Household Spending, PRIZM, and COVID-19 Outbreak data. American data sources include: U.S. Census Bureau Data, Community Demographic Estimates, Consumer Expenditure Estimates, Uniform Crime Reporting and NOAA Climate Divisional Database.
- Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics
Brings together data about all aspects of criminal justice in the United States presented in over 600 tables from more than 100 sources.
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