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Recent Statistics Canada releases on business, industry & trade
Last updated 2023.04.24
- Statistics Canada's business performance and ownership statistics portal
Statistic Canada's one-stop shop to find data, tools, and reports on the latest information on business performance and ownership in Canada.
- Statistics Canada's business and consumer services and culture statistics portal
Statistic Canada's one-stop shop to find data, tools, and reports on the latest information on business and consumer services and culture statistics
- Businesses by industry and employment (formerly part of Canadian business patterns; Statistics Canada)
- 1988-2014 -- Data at the level of Canada, provinces, census division (CD), census agglomeration (CA)/census metropolitan area (CMA); requires Beyond 20/20 (Windows only); already installed on all library computers)
- Table 33-10-0025-01 (formerly CANSIM 551-0001)(Dec 2011)
- Table 33-10-0026-01 (formerly CANSIM 551-0002) (Jun 2012)
- Table 33-10-0027-01 (formerly CANSIM 551-0003)(Dec 2012)
- Table 33-10-0028-01 (formerly CANSIM 551-0004)(Jun 2013)
- Table 33-10-0029-01 (formerly CANSIM 551-0005)(Dec 2013)
- Table 33-10-0030-01 (formerly CANSIM 551-0006) (Jun 2014)
- Table 33-10-0023-01 (formerly CANSIM 552-0001) (Dec 2014)
- Table 33-10-0031-01 (formerly CANSIM 552-0002) (June 2015)
- Businesses by industry (formerly part of Canadian business patterns; Statistics Canada)
- Canadian Business Counts, with employees (formerly part of Canadian business patterns; Statistics Canada)
- Canadian Business Counts, without employees (formerly part of Canadian business patterns; Statistics Canada)
- Canadian industry statistics (Industry Canada)
" ... presents and analyses industry data on the number of establishments, gross domestic product and labour productivity for industry sectors belonging to the Canadian Economy using a few of the latest annual data sources from Statistics Canada. Sectors are defined in accordance with the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 1997. Additional analyses of sub-sectors, industry groups, industries and national industries belonging to the Manufacturing sector are offered. These additional topics include employment, salaries and wages, manufacturing production, manufacturing costs, performance, capital investment and international merchandise trade. "
- Canadian International Merchandise Trade Database (1988-present)
Offers detailed export and import trade data using the Harmonized System (HS) classification of goods (based on the 6-digit commodity level). Select a trading partner and specific variables (e.g., country, province, state, year, month, or frequency) or search by commodity or Harmonized System code.
- International trade: key indicators (Statistics Canada)
Tabular data on
- Merchandise imports and exports
- Service imports and exports
- Trade patterns
- Other content related to International trade
- Corporations Returns Act (2001-present)
Each year, Statistics Canada produces a report on foreign control, as stipulated in the Corporations Returns Act. This report draws a national profile of foreign control in the Canadian corporate economy, examining financial and ownership information on corporations conducting business in Canada. This information is used to evaluate the extent and effect of non-resident control of the Canadian corporate economy. The report includes charts and tables providing time series on selected financial characteristics (assets, operating revenue and operating profits) by country of control and classified by major industry groups. The statistics provided in the Corporations Returns Act report are presented at the 21-industry level, using the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS Canada 2007). Previous versions of this report may use different Industry Classification Systems. The industry system used will be referenced within the specific version.
Related tables:
- Entrepreneurship indicators of Canadian enterprises
The program on entrepreneurship indicators provides data on the dynamics of a subset of Canadian enterprises, such as the number of high-growth enterprises; births and deaths of enterprises; enterprises survival; and jobs linked to these indicators.
- Environmental protection expenditures in the business sector ( PDF)
Operating and capital expenditures made by primary and manufacturing industries in response to, or in anticipation of, environmental regulations and conventions.
- Financial ratios for Canadian business by industry
Available from three sources:
- FP markets, Canadian demographics
Contains selected current census statistics, incl. population, households, personal income, household income, labour force, occupation, housing, marital status, retail sales, daytime population, average household expenditures, radio and TV station data.
Location: HF 5349 C2 F5, Bronfman Library, Frost Library.
- Gross domestic product (GDP) at basic prices, by industry (Statistics Canada)
Contains estimates of gross domestic product for over 300 industries, including aggregates and special industry groupings. Estimates are in constant 2007 dollars or chained 2007 dollars.
- Industry classifications
Includes the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) for Canada and the US, Sistema de Clasificación Industrial de América del Norte (SCIAN), Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE), International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC), and Standard Industrial Classification (SIC).
- SEDAR (System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval)
Provides access to financial information on publicly listed companies. Developed by Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) and the Canadian Depository for Securities (CDS). The Canadian equivalent of the EDGAR database in the U.S.
- SME Benchmarking Tool (Industry Canada)
SME Benchmarking Tool (formerly Performance Plus) offers industry-specific income statement and balance sheet data for small and medium sized businesses. SME Benchmarking Tool allows you to:
- Estimate the operating costs for your new business;
- View financial performance averages in your industry;
- Enter your own financial data to see how your business measures up to comparably sized firms.
- Survey of Innovation and Business Strategy: data tables
Provide statistical information on the strategic decisions, innovation activities and operational tactics used by Canadian enterprises. The survey also collects information on the involvement of enterprises in global value chains.
- Trade Analyzer (Statistics Canada) -- Contains data on Canadian imports and exports from 1988 - present, and world trade data from 1988-2005.
- Trade data online (Industry Canada)
Contains: Canadian and US industry and commodity trade data using SIC codes and the internationally comparable 6-digit Harmonized System respectively.
Last updated 2023.04.24
- Census Business Builder (United States)
... a suite of services that provide selected demographic and economic data from the Census Bureau tailored to specific types of users:
- Small Business Edition is built primarily for small business owners who need key data for their business plan or to better understand their potential market. It presents data for a single type of business and geography at a time.
- Regional Analyst Edition is built for chambers of commerce and regional planning staff who need a broad portrait of the people and businesses in their service area. It presents data for all sectors of the economy and for a user-defined region made up of one or more areas.
- County business patterns (United States)
Provides county, state, and national level business data. Statistics include number of establishments, payroll (annual and 1st quarter), number of employees, and number of establishments by size class for 2 digit SIC industry groupings.
"The most comprehensive and accurate databases of standard and derived historical data for NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ common stocks." This database provides acces to NYSE/AMEX/NASDAQ Daily and Monthly Security Prices and other historical data (some back to 1925) related to over 20,000 companies.
- Doing Business Database (World Bank)
Doing Business offers detailed reports on 183 economies and 14 regions back to 2003.
- EDGAR ( Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval)
EDGAR performs automated collection, validation, indexing, acceptance, and forwarding of submissions by companies and others who are required by law to file forms with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
- Foreign trade statistics (U.S. Census Bureau)
The official source for U.S. export and import statistics and responsible for issuing regulations governing the reporting of all export shipments from the United States.
- International Trade and Investment Country Facts (Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S.)
Provides a snapshot of statistics on trade and investment between the United States and another country by simply clicking on a world map. Statistics come from BEA’s international data sets on exports, imports, direct investment, and the activities of multinational enterprises. Includes
- Total exports, imports and trade balance between the United States and the country you select.
- The top five categories of goods and services the United States buys from and sells to that country.
- Country level data on U.S. direct investment abroad and foreign direct investment in the United States and on the activities of multinational enterprises such as employment and sales.
- UN Comtrade database (United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database)
The UN COMTRADE is the largest depository of international trade data. It contains well over 1.1 billion data records (from over 140 reporter countries) detailed by commodities and partner countries. All commodity values are converted from national currency into US dollars. Commodities are reported in the current classification and revision (HS2002 in most cases) and are converted all the way down to the earliest classification SITC revision 1. Time series of data for reporter countries starts as far back as 1962 and goes up to the most recent completed year. Current data is also published annually in the International Trade Statistics Yearbook
- UNCTAD STAT (United Nations)
Provides a comprehensive collection of statistical data relevant to the analysis of international trade, investment and development, for individual countries and for economic and trade groupings.
- World Development Indicators
The primary World Bank collection of development indicators, compiled from officially recognized international sources. It presents the most current and accurate global development data available, and includes national, regional and global estimates. The database covers more than 1300 indicators for over 200 economies & groups of economies with data back to 1960.
- World Trade Organization
Allows retrieval of statistical information in the following areas:
- Trade Profiles -- provide predefined information leaflets on the trade situation of members, observers and other selected economies;
- Tariff Profiles -- provide information on the market access situation of members, observers and other selected economies;
- Services Profiles -- provide detailed statistics on key infrastructure services (transportation, telecommunications, finance and insurance) for selected economies;
- Time Series -- allows an interactive data retrieval of international trade statistics.