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Data & Statistics: Travel & tourism

Sources of aggregate statistics and microdata for use in a wide variety of subject areas

Recent Statistics Canada releases on travel and tourism

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Unless otherwise stated, all these sources come from Statistics Canada. See also the Transportation section of this guide.

Last updated 2022.04.13

  • Aviation
    "This bulletin presents the most up-to-date available information extracted from all of the Aviation Statistics Centre's surveys. Regular features include releases on principal statistics for Canada's major air carriers, airport data, fare basis statistics and traffic data for Canada's most important markets. "
  • Canadian travel survey
    The Canadian Travel Survey (CTS) is a major source of data used to measure the size and status of Canada's tourism industry. It was developed to measure the volume, characteristics and economic impact of domestic travel. It gathers data on more than 30 variables, including socio-economic profiles, trip characteristics, and expenditures.
    Access restrictions: DLI
  • Data tables on travel & tourism
    Expenditures, employment, prices, and other socio-economic characteristics associated with tourism in and from Canada.
  • Destination Canada: statistics & figures
    Destination Canada is Canada's national tourism marketing organization.
  • International travel, advance information
    "This bulletin contains advance information, monthly and year-to-date, on visitors entering Canada and on returning Canadian residents. It also includes an estimate of overnight trips by province of entry (visitors) and re-entry (Canadian residents). The bulletin is released seven weeks following the reference period."
  • International Travel Survey
    The primary objective of the International Travel Survey (ITS) is to provide statistics on travellers, to and from Canada. The survey provides a full range of statistics on international travellers, including detailed characteristics of their trips such as expenditures, activities, places visited and length of stay. Annual data are released one year after the end of the reference year
    Access restrictions: DLI

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