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Last updated 2022.04.11
- Statistics Canada's government statistics portal
Statistic Canada's one-stop shop to find data, tools, and reports from the government on the latest information on government statistics.
- Fiscal Monitor (Finance Canada)
Monthly highlights and details of the government's fiscal performance. Data from January 1996 to the present.
- Fiscal reference tables (Finance Canada)
"Provides historical information on federal public finances and on broad fiscal indicators at the provincial level as well as international fiscal comparisons."
- Public accounts of Canada
The Public Accounts of Canada is the report of the Government of Canada prepared annually by the Receiver General, as required by section 64 of the Financial Administration Act. It covers the fiscal year of the Government, which ends on March 31.
- Public Accounts of Ontario
"The Public Accounts for the fiscal year include: the Annual Report of the Government of Ontario, the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Government of Ontario, the Report of the Auditor General on the Consolidated Financial Statements, and supplementary volumes containing detailed ministry schedules, the financial statements of significant government organizations, and details of ministry vendor payments. "
- Public sector assets and liabilities : historical overview, financial management system
Offers a historical overview of asset and liability statistics for the federal, provincial/territorial and local governments and government business enterprises in Canada. Also included are consolidated balance sheets, guaranteed debt and Canada and Quebec pension plan balance sheets. This publication provides financial information for governments that is comparable between governments and over a period of time.
Location: Scott, Frost Library -- call number: CAN1 CS8.5 68-508
- Public sector employment, wages and salaries, seasonally unadjusted and adjusted
(Canada and provinces, monthly, 1981 - 2012 -- table 10-10-0025-01 - formerly CANSIM 183-0002)
- Public sector salary disclosure (Ontario)
As a result of Ontario's Public Sector Salary Disclosure Act, public-sector organizations are required to disclose the name, position, salary and value of taxable benefits of every employee who is paid $100,000 or more a year. This covers city and other local governments, universities and colleges, school boards, hospitals, and Crown agencies such as Ontario Place. It also applies to ministries of the provincial government. Non-profit organizations that receive a large share of their funding from the provincial government are covered as well. Data are available back to 1996.
- Public Service Employee Survey (PSES) (Statistics Canada)
Data is available on the opinions of employees in their work environment, job satisfaction, career movement, equipment needs and special needs.
Access restrictions: DLI
Last updated 2022.04.11
- OECD Public Governance Reviews
This series of country reviews assesses public governance arrangements from an international comparative perspective in terms of their ability to deliver on government objectives, in particular for the whole-of-government, and preparedness to meet current and future challenges. They analyse the operation of the subject country's public administration, with a particular focus on horizontality within the public administration, the relationships between levels of government and with citizens and businesses, innovation and quality of public service delivery, and the impact of information society policy on e-government. They draw on an extensive review of information about public governance and the operations of public administration in the subject country; and a series of interviews with public officials at the state and sub-national levels.
- Public sector employment (UK)
Datasets and time series data.
- Public sector statistics (World Bank)