Type | Example |
Reference List Citation |
Name of Company That Owns the Product. (Year, Month Day of issue which contains advertisement if known). Title of advertisement [Advertisement]. Name of Journal, Magazine or Newspaper, Volume(Issue) if known, page number advertisement is found on. Example:
Maple Leaf Foods. (2019, October). Wake up and do it again 3 [Advertisement]. Fictional Magazine, 7(1), 17. |
In-Text Citation: Quote |
(Maple Leaf Foods, 2019) |
In-Text Citation: Paraphrase |
(Maple Leaf Foods, 2019) |
Type | Example |
Reference List Citation |
Name of Company That Owns the Product. (Year, Month Day of issue which contains advertisement if known). [Advertisement for Name of Product being advertised]. Name of Journal, Magazine or Newspaper, Volume(Issue) if known, page number advertisement is found on.
Example: Cadbury. (2019, May). [Advertisement for Cadbury Dairy Milk]. Sample Magazine, 5(1), 30. |
In-Text Citation: Quote |
(Cadbury, 2019) |
In-Text Citation: Paraphrase |
(Cadbury, 2019) |