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Business Citation Guide: Industry Reports (from Business Databases)

This guide provides examples for citing business resources in APA, MLA, and Chicago citation styles.

Industry Reports (from Business Databases)

Type Example
Works Cited List Citation

Author or Analyst's Last name, First name. "Title of the Report"  IBISworld, Date of Publication, pp. Page numbers.


Leach, Nathaniel. "IBISWorld industry report 31152CA: Ice Cream Production in Canada." IBISWorld, Jun. 2018, pp. 1-34.

Note: If you download an IBISworld report, you'll be able to see the report's page numbers.

In-Text Citation Example

(Author's Last Name Page Number)


(Leach 17)


Type Example
Works Cited List Citation

"Title of Report." Database Name, Date of Publication, pp. Page numbers.  


"Online Retail in Canada." MarketLine Advantage, Nov. 2018, pp. 1-45.

Note: Marketline Advantage does not provide analyst names on their reports. 

In-Text Citation Example

("Title of Report" Page Number)


("Online Retail in Canada" 17)


Type Example
Works Cited List Citation

"Title of Report." Database Name, Corporate Author/Publisher, Date of Publication, pp. Page numbers.  


"Beer in Canada." Passport, Euromonitor International30 June 2015.

Note: This report has no page numbers and does not list the analyst's name. It does list the corporate author/publisher. In cases where an organization is both author and publisher, list only as publisher.

In-Text Citation Example

("Title of Article")


("Beer in Canada")


Type Example
Works Cited List Citation

"Title of Report." Database Name, Date of Publication, pp. Page numbers.  


"Canada agribusiness report Q3 2021." FitchConnect, 2021, pp. 1-45. 

Note: If you download a FitchConnect report, you'll be able to see the report's page numbers.

In-Text Citation Example

("Title of Report" Page Number)


("Canada agribusiness" 5)


Type Example
Works Cited List Citation

Author or Analyst's Last name, First name. "Title of the Report." Database Name, Date of Publication, pp. Page numbers.


Teng, Amy, et al. "Hype Cycle for Display and Vision, 2020." Gartner Intraweb, 14 Jul. 2020, pp. 1-59. 

Note 1: If you download a Gartner Intraweb report, you'll be able to see the report's page numbers.

Note 2: If a report is authored by three or more people, use the first author's name followed by et al. 

In-Text Citation Example

(Author's Last Name Page Number)


(Teng et al. 17)


Type Example
Works Cited List Citation

Note: Bloomberg reports sometimes list an analyst's name. Make sure to check for an analyst's name on the report and include in the citation if present as follows:

Analyst name: Author's Last Name, First Name. "Title of Report." Database Name, Date of Publication, pp. Page numbers.  

No analyst name: "Title of Report." Database Name, Date of Publication, pp. Page numbers.  


"Energy Efficiency at Your Service." Bloomberg, October 16, 2018, pp. 1-4.

In-Text Citation Example

("Title of Report" Page Number)


("Energy Efficiency" 3)